My Pulse Story...
Everyone who works with horses can appreciate the physical nature of the job. 30 years as a professional horse trainer had taken their toll on my body. I had suffered a kick to the face in 1998, requiring plates to reconstruct. I had severe shoulder injuries to BOTH shoulders, a dislocated rib and botched knee surgery leaving my knee in constant pain and laterally unstable. Every day was a struggle just to keep working. In July 2018, I discovered Pulse PEMF.
While in Canada teaching a clinic, I was worked on by a PEMF technician. The relief was incredible! My headaches were GONE, my shoulder pain reduced to 50% after the first session. I couldn't believe it! When I returned home, I began researching PEMF.
PEMF uses pulsed electromagnetic fields to bathe low energy cells in pure, raw energy. Each cell in your body is actually a capacitor, or battery, which holds a charge. Your entire body is electrical and your cells each need a measurable electrical charge to function optimally. In order to maintain good wellness, cells must be doing their jobs. PEMF Exercise supports the body’s natural abilities to optimize balanced body functions –the definition of wellness.
After extensive research, I learned that the system I had experienced was in deed the BEST PEMF system on the market! I called the company and 10 days later, I had my very own Pulse Equine X-1 system! I used the system religiously, spending at least one hour per day working on my vaious areas of pain as well as utilizing the Chairpad for full-body application. My pain went down consistently and my energy increased! After 2 weeks on the system, my chronic migraine-style headaches were gone and have never returned. I was able to sleep through the night! My shoulders gradually increased mobiltiy. In 3 months, my shoulders were pain free. It took six months for my neck and shoulders to regain complete mobility. Today, I enjoy life free from pain, full of energy and vitality! My horses and those of my clients have achieved incredible results using Pulse PEMF. I have also produced fabulous results in agility and herding dogs as a Level 3 Human and Equine Pulse Certified technician!

To bear the Pulse Certified logo, Practitioners must complete Advanced Level Training conducted at Pulse Centers Training Center in Georgia. Practitioners are held to the highest standard of training and conduct when bearing the Pulse Certified logo. You can rest assured you are receiving the very best PEMF experience!

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Pulse PEMF literally gave me my life back. Today, I am proud to partner with Jane Cattell at Pulse PEMF to help people around the world own their own Pulse PEMF Equipment! I strive to help people and animals reclaim their health through Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy.

Interested in a demonstration? Have questions about what Pulse PEMF can do for you and your horse?
Call Tammy at (406)861-5292 or email HERE!
I also have virtual Demonstrations for Equine, Canine and Humans! The links can be sent to you via text or email.
I look forward to sharing all Pulse has to offer!